General Scope
General Theme
Student Section
Dates and Venue
Extended Deadlines
Papers Submission
Registration and Fee
Reviews, Proceedings
Steering Committee
Scientific Committee
Local Committees
Time Table
Plenary Lectures
Special Sessions
Regular Sessions
Presentation Instructions
Hotel Accommodation
Visa Info
Last Minute Info


An accepted paper should be presented by one of the authors, otherwise it cannot be referenced as the paper published at the EUROCON 2005.

Working Language
The working language of the Conference is English and this will be used for all presentations and discussions.

Time Allocation
Regular Sessions:
The duration of a presentation slot is 15 minutes. This includes the time for the presentation itself and for questions from the audience.
Special Sessions:
The duration of a presentation slot for a paper to be presented in a Special Session is 15 - 30 minutes and depends on the time allocated for the particular session and on the number of the papers to be presented. Contact your Special Session organizer for details.

It is imperative that you do not exceed your time allocation.

Visual Aids
Each room contains the following audio-visual equipment:
*Data Projector:
*Computer (PC):
*Projection screen:
We shall be using only the latest Microsoft Office PowerPoint (Version 2003) and Adobe Acrobat (Version 7) software, and therefore presentations in these formats or earlier will be accommodated. Authors are asked to bring their slide presentation stored on a USB memory Stick or on a CD ROM.

Upload of Slides
It is recommended to the presenters to upload their slides ten minutes before the start of their session. The technical secretary will be in the lecture room to help with equipment and lighting.

Author Briefings
Ten minutes before your session commences, you should meet with the Session Chair and the other speakers in your session in the room in which you will be presenting.

General Consideration
Authors should visually check over their presentations. Letters, lists, figures, tables, and formulas should be visible (10 meters at least) supposing the projecting picture is c.c. 2*1.5m.
During presentation it is advised to omit explanation of complex formulas or citing of technical details. CD Proceedings will be published before the conference, so it is necessary only to comprise basic ideas, conceptual realizations and results.
Slides should be prepared in advance according to the instructions and examples.